Tech Matters: How data and digital services are helping during the COVID-19 pandemic

Collaborative projects

This post from Agnes Stenbom, responsible Data & AI Specialist   highlights some of the great work done by tech organisations and media workers across the world related to the global outbreak of COVID-19. Stenbom looks at examples ranging from AI epidemiologists to viral TikTok dances, all working towards the common goal of providing support and relief in this new reality.

“One notable aspect of COVID-19 is that everyone are pushed to digital tools and services— including elders. ‘Digital laggards’ are suddenly entering a brave new world of technology, and as organisations we need to be agile and responsive to potential changes in consumer behaviours and expectations” (Agnes Stenbom).

Valerie Arnould

Roger Renni from Key Objectives and Dr Kane Mortlock on ensuring safety of field reporters covering COVID-19 (Webinar takeaways)


How newsroom managers can support journalists covering the COVID-19 outbreak